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Awakening Your Ecstatic Potential, Level 2

  • 15 Steps


Awakening Your Ecstatic Potential (or AYEP) is a 3-part self-study programme of embodied practices, rooted in tantra, yoga and dance, for connecting with your innate sense of joy, well-being, fulfilment and pleasure through the integration of energy, awareness, movement, breath and intention in the physical body. In Level 2, you are building upon the foundations established in Level 1 for being in the body AND aware. Cultivating awareness and sensation in the body simultaneously is the pre-requisite for a greater sense of holistic well-being, self-fulfillment and empowerment, as well as deeper spiritual connection and more pleasurable love-making. Originally devised as a 14-day intensive, with 30 minutes each day for morning practice, you are invited to take the course at your own pace and in a way that works for you and your life.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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