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awakening  shakti  

group  programme  

embodying the divine feminine

the  invitation...  


This is your opportunity to join a powerful 9-month programme, that will support you to effect deep and lasting transformation in your quest to know, love and express yourself as an embodiment of the Divine Feminine. 


For the first time in my 15 year’s teaching, I have drawn the riches of my wisdom, training and experience together into one online programme for women that offers comprehensive guidance and inspiration for your Awakening.


This is an exciting time and this is your opportunity to step into your innate power, wisdom and radiance as woman, uncovering your shining essence and leaving all that no longer serves you behind.


This programme is for you if you are committed to your growth, ready to invest time and energy over a sustained period of time and willing to get raw and vulnerable along the way.


Growth demands our honesty and our dedication, but what you put in will reap manifold blessings and rewards, in terms of a permanent up-levelling of your self-love, confidence and sovereignty and a life of far greater abundance and flow.



feeling called?  

Let's see if this is for you....


Do you hear the voice of your sacred feminine soul song calling?


Do you feel the stirring in your body of a longing to be whole?


Are you more than ready to let go of all that’s held you back?


Would you love to stand in your naked truth and cry a whole-hearted YES! to life?


Do you wish to say “I love myself” and really mean it?


Would you love to feel both fully feminine and powerful in the most authentic way?


Are you hungry for healthy sisterhood and the support of a growth-orientated community?


Do you wish to live in honouring communion with your body and sexuality, understanding that these are at the root of your power and feminine spirituality?


Would you love to expand your pleasure potential, experiencing yourself and life as orgasmic whether you have a lover or not?


Are you hungry for truth? Willing to illuminate your shadow? And ready to feel the discomfort of growing pains (knowing that your growth will expand your capacity to feel intensity in every direction?


Would you love to tap into your unique feminine gifts and greatest potential?


Would you love to attract honouring, conscious relationships and sacred sexual experiences?


Are you ready to play your part in being the change the world wants and needs, by shifting yourself out of the matrix and stepping into a heart-based reality that is the promise of the rising Feminine?


do i hear a yes? a-ho to you sister !

& here's a bit about me...


Well, the last 15 years of my life have been devoted to teaching embodied awareness, sacred sexuality and feminine empowerment.  It started with conscious dance, then progressed to encompass Kundalini Yoga, bodywork, Reiki healing and Tantra.


Of course this has been my own journey of healing and growth too, as I sought to come to terms with the end of my (sexless) second marriage and simultaneously turn towards an ever more urgent call to awaken.


It’s been an intense ride, in which I’ve progressed through a string of lovers, experienced heart-break and devastation in equal measure with bliss and ecstasy, yet always spiralled out with a bigger heart, a deeper knowing of my truth and a fuller immersion in the mysteries of the Divine Feminine and the fruits of my practice.


I’ve read and processed a stack of books from every leading spiritual teacher under the sun.  And I’ve enquired very openly within, in my catalogue of inspiring blogs and vlogs.


In each of my formal trainings and initiations - as an Ecstatic Dance Teacher, Yogi, Priestess of Love & Sacred Sexuality, Couples Counsellor and facilitator of Sexual Awakening for Women – I have had to dig deep to uncover the roots of my wounding and embody the teachings I am passionate to transmit.


For, like so many of us out there, I am the archetypal wounded healer, who has fought with the integrity and heart of a lioness to overcome her patriarchal roots and conditioning, and become the empowered, liberated, wide-awake woman I aspire to be.


So I know the stories. I know the games we play.  I know the fears, shadows, self-sabotage and playing victim or small.  And I also know the immense potential that’s available to you and me.


With this awareness, I hold a powerful, sacred space for personal growth and transformation.  My presence is warm, alive, creative, non-judgemental, welcoming, fun and safe.  You will be lovingly encouraged to become more.


And, by the way, my own journey is never over.  I’m as committed to my truth, love and empowerment now as I ever was.  There’s always more.  And I’m going to be taking this journey with you.

want to hear more about the programme?
The Awakening Shakti Group Programme takes you on a 9-month journey through the building blocks of your empowerment and awakening.  


Just like the time it takes to grow a new life, you could regard this as your own process of re-birth or growing from seed to fullest blossoming.


Each month we’ll address a new theme, which will build upon and overlap with the previous one.  It’s a comprehensive course that will take you as deep as you’re willing to go in your own transformation.


the luscious content will include:


  1. A welcome pack workbook to get you started

  2. Membership in a private Facebook Group 

  3. 2 webinars per month: 1) a top of the month transmission on the theme of the month + Q&A, and 2) a middle of the month check-in and Q&A (all recorded & available for repeat viewing or catch-up in our private FB group)

  4. Monthly self-study modules including a work-book and video of at least one embodied practice (sometimes more) for you to repeat throughout the month (ideally daily)

  5. Guest interviews with leading teachers of the Divine Feminine

  6. Weekly kundalini yoga classes

  7. Assigned study buddies 

  8. Opportunities for meet-ups with fellow Group participants in your area

  9. My unwavering commitment to support and 




Month 1    The Still Voice Within


In the first module of the series we are going to take the fear, mystery and perception of boredom and hard work out of meditation and explore different ways of connecting to the still, quiet voice of our soul and neutral witness within: an essential spring-board for our future unfolding.


Month 2    The Fruit of Feminine Archetypes


As a representation of universal life-themes, archetypes are a fantastic tool for us to gain both self-awareness and inspiration. In exploring how they play out in our lives, we become more conscious of our shadow, our light and the glorious potential that calls to us.


Month 3    Cycles, Stages & Natural Rhythms


As women with women’s bodies, we are intimately connected to nature, the moon and the cycles of our hormones and life-stages.  Patriarchy has tended to minimize, suppress or dishonour these differences and the wisdom they grant us access to: if we would only listen. It’s time to reconnect with the natural rhythms of our bodies and Mother Earth.


Month 4    Falling in Love with You


So many of us want change, are unhappy with an aspect of our lives, seek healing or long for a relationship, when the real story is an absence of self-love.  It’s a truism because it’s true: if you don’t love yourself, no-one else will.  And as long as you keep casting outside of yourself for validation, you’ll perpetuate your discontent.  Let’s try something new: fall in love with you!


Month 5    The Sacred Body of Woman


The female form is frequently objectified, idealized or denigrated as weak.  We are socialized with competitive notions of beauty that have nothing to do with our innate radiance, nor the loving support of sisterhood.  We are not taught to love our bodies with their curves and idiosyncrasies, nor how to access the profound pleasure and cosmic wisdom they are a gateway to.  It is time to rediscover our bodies as sacred, sensual and naturally beautiful.


Month 6    Reclaiming Sovereignty & Authentic Power


In the patriarchal model of power over/under, women are often caught up in the victim-perpetrator-rescuer triangle.  Issues with anger, people-pleasing or boundaries arise.  We allow our sexuality to be defined by family, religion or culture, rather than our own desire.  We fall prey to the belief that power means force. Reclaiming our sovereign selves, we are responsible for our lives, our bodies and our sex, and discover power is in our fire and our flow, our softness and surrender.


Month 7    Awakening Sexual Energy


Kundalini energy is the force that gives life to all of creation.  When we open our bodies to its flow, through meditation, yoga, movement, breath or conscious love-making, it begins a process of expanding our awareness that can lead to transcendence.  This is how sex and spirit meet. No partner required.  In this module, you will learn specific practices to access and activate this ecstatic, life-changing, life-force in you.


Month 8    Meeting the Masculine


To really feel whole, integrated and in love, whatever your relationship status, you are going to have to make peace with the masculine.  Your relationship with the men and masculine qualities in your life is always a reflection of your relationship with your inner masculine. And until you realize this and address the places where things are unresolved, you will find yourself repeating the same patterns, feeling conflicted or alone.  It’s time to get you and your masculine on the same team, consciously co-creating together.


Month 9    The Dance of Divine Union


When we cultivate our awareness, reclaim our power and desire, love and honour ourselves, and awaken our sexual energy, then life gets REALLY juicy.  There is the potential for us to enter life as a dance – expressing our glorious uniqueness, merging the God and Goddess within and moving in a delicious partnership with Spirit.  At times s/he may take the form of another human being, but that is not a requirement for the exquisite experience of Divine Union.


Month 10 – Optional participation in a 5-day completion & integration retreat in Glastonbury, UK.



I’m not one to make empty promises or go for salesy talk, but I can say with confidence that my work is life-changing and I’m passionate about facilitating deep and lasting empowerment in women.


Of course, the more you put in, the more you’ll get out, but with the minimum investment of 15 minutes a day for practice + 2-4 hours a week for self-study or webinar participation, you will:


  1. Grow in your ability to navigate change, emotions and chaos

  2. Integrate aspects of your shadow

  3. Reclaim and uncover your soul gifts

  4. Become better at witnessing yourself

  5. Cultivate more presence

  6. Feel more at home in your body

  7. Experience more pleasure in your body

  8. Love yourself more

  9. Open up your intuition

  10. Become stronger in your self-determination

  11. Feel more connected to Source

  12. Illuminate limiting beliefs and conditioned behaviours

  13. Live with greater ease and flow

  14. Become more radiant

  15. Expand your sensuality

  16. Feel and sense more

  17. Open your heart

  18. Become part of a global community of awakening women


course dates


Awakening Shakti will be launching on September 30th, 2018 with webinar calls scheduled for:


Module 1:       Sunday, September 30, 2018, 5pm & Wednesday, October 10th, 6pm

Module 2:       Sunday, October 28th, 5pm & Wednesday, November 14th, 6pm

Module 3:       Sunday, November 25th, 5pm & Wednesday, December 12th, 6pm

Module 4:       Sunday, December 30th, 5pm & Wednesday, January 16th, 2019, 6pm

Module 5:       Sunday, February 3rd, 5pm & Wednesday, February 13th, 6pm

Module 6:       Sunday, March 3rd, 5pm & Wednesday, March 13th, 6pm

Module 7:       Sunday, March 31st, 5pm & Wednesday, April 10th, 6pm

Module 8:       Sunday, April 28th, 5pm & Wednesday, May 8th, 6pm

Module 9:       Sunday, May 26th, 5pm & Wednesday, June 5th, 6pm


Course completion call:          Sunday, June 23rd, 2019, 5pm


An optional residential retreat is tentatively scheduled for the week of July 1-7, 2019, in the UK.


the value to you

I am super excited to be launching the Awakening Shakti Group programme and can’t wait to get rolling.


This represents the pinnacle of my life’s work and experience thus far; the result of thousands of pounds invested in training and many many hours of blood, sweat and tears in the yoga of life and relationship, and I’m giving it my all.


There are just 20 spaces available on the programme and I welcome English-speaking women from around the world to apply!


Your investment for this transformative course is: 


£2000 if paid in full in advance, OR

£500 paid in advance + 9 monthly payments of £195 


If you would like to discuss an alternative payment arrangement, I am open to making it work for us both, but there will be no discounts and no refunds once you have committed to the course.


I'd also add that all the training and coaching I have invested in over the past 15 years as a single parent has often been at times when I did not have the cash and had no idea how I would afford it, but what always made it possible was my burning desire and intention.  Once that was set, the money and support always came.


Your place is secured with a £500 deposit, either with the balance of £1500 payable or the first instalment of £195 due on or before September 29.


To apply to join, click here:


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