the invitation
LIVING SHAKTI AWAKE is a next level online tantric development programme, launching April 2022, for women wanting to deepen and integrate their awakening into life, love and the world.
It comprises two pathways, that can be enjoyed independently or as a beautiful complement to one another:
The Living Shakti Awake Workshop Series - starting Jan 29th
Both offered in 3x 3-month semesters over the course of the year, giving you the perfect blend of depth and intimacy with time and space to rest and integrate.

A deep, devoted and impeccable space for just 12 women, who wish for the community, commitment and support of an evolutionary sister circle in the presence of a wise, compassionate and potent mentor.
There are no pre-planned themes, but instead an authentic showing up in the real of now, as we share in our dedication both to practices of feminine awakening and the conscious encounter with whatever is arising.
Knowing that there is no separation: whatever life presents is perfect for our soul growth. And in our full embrace of what is, there is healing and expansion, both individually and collectively.
I will be your guide in sacred embodiment, meditation, God/dess honouring & tantric practices, along with a deep presence-ing of your process & wisdom transmissions as they flow.
My way is loving, yet penetrative: a synergistic blend of Shiva stillness and Shakti flow, channelled energy and intuitive insight. Eliciting your knowing, rather than imposing my own.
You will have the opportunity to share, ask questions and bring your challenges, as well as to be witnessed and celebrated in your shifts. In our field of togetherness and mirroring, our evolution is amplified.

sister circle dates & times
All calls are live, on alternate Wednesdays,
6-8/9pm gmt on zoom as follows:
January 2022 – Wednesday 12th & 26th
February 2022 – Wednesday 9th & 23rd
March 2022 – Wednesday 9th & 23rd
semester 2
May 2022 – Wednesday 11th & 25th
June 2022 – Wednesday 8th & 22nd
July 2022 – Wednesday 6th & 20th
semester 3
September 2022 – Wednesday 7th & 21st
October 2022 – Wednesday 5th & 19th
November 2022 – Wednesday 2nd & 16th
& Wednesday 30th November – Celebration !!
Offers a series of transformative deep-dive workshops for women called to evoke and ground their continual evolution, through the embodiment of spiritual realisation in the real of life.
Expanding, evolving, embodying and embedding: this is a journey, designed to call forth your unique soul-gift expression and source-aligned actions into the world around issues that really matter, whilst simultaneously nurturing your spiritual growth.
It's a spiral process: spiritual practice and enquiry deepens your embodiment. Life presents you with challenges to chew upon. In both ways you deepen.
Through an exploration of 9 key themes and immersion in a dedicated container of sacred sisterhood & tantric devotion, you will be invited into the realm of full-bodied spirituality and living tantra. Rooted in the body and powered by Shakti.
We are here to live awake, unified and integrated: masculine and feminine, heaven and earth, light and dark, body and mind, sex and spirit. Remembering ourselves as one with the ALL. Ascending AND descending in the spiral of Living Shakti Awake.
And so we co-create the New Earth. Through being it.
The Feminine has been rising for decades. We are at the forefront of Her surging forth and rebalancing existence. Let us now consciously and courageously co-create with Her the future we dream of inhabiting.
Living Shakti Awake is taught live online through a series of 9 weekend workshops across the year, with the option to enrol for the whole year or by 3-month semester, plus the possibility to combine this series with the Evolutionary Sister Circle that will run in parallel for additional continuity and support.

January 29/30
We begin our year at the root and ground of our being. At the foundation for our unfolding: the embodiment of Shakti. She as the very life-force that creates worlds. She as the awakening intelligence and spiritual super-powers of kundalini. She as the Goddess in all her many faces and forms. She as all of nature. She as the cosmic Mother womb. We as Her. Untangling as we go, from the false beliefs and shadows of the old ways, that we are now releasing: clearing our body, emotions, senses and sexuality of the vestiges of patriarchal programming, so as to become Her clear channel.
February 26/27
When Shakti rises, she shows us all that is not true. She challenges the false self constructed around our wounding and survival mechanisms. She dares us to get naked and real. If we are to stand whole in our power and serve as beacons of the light, then we must know, own and integrate our shadows. Taking full responsibility and having the courage to see and feel what we have denied, repressed or by-passed. The lie we have been told is that our shadows are bad and our vulnerability is weakness. The reverse is true: we can only rise and expand to our greatest potential by fully claiming our darkness. The irony being, that it's there we find our gifts and liberation.
March 26/27
Building upon our deeper embodiment of Shakti and the conscious embrace of our shadows, we make space for our Divine Gifts, born of Her holy alchemy and the recognition, that our greatest karmic struggles, darkest nights and most painful wounds point the way to our highest potential and soul's calling. Letting go false modesty and self-doubt we allow our passion to burn, our fullness to express, daring to own, nurture and reveal our unique talents and dreams, knowing they are an essential part of the cosmic whole: each shining woman not only revelling in self-fulfillment, but blessing the world with her contribution.
May 21/22
Tantra is a path of grounded spirituality and the marriage of opposites. Awakening in and with life, not as an escape from it. In the 2nd Semester we bring the sacred to the profane, starting with the ways in which we are called to harness our Divine Gifts in service. The notion of "work" as an exchange of time/energy for money is old paradigm. As is the rejection of wealth as "unspiritual". Our material needs, abundance and career challenges are included here, as we step into the new paradigm of Sacred Service: aligning our talents, passion and vision with the truth of what we are deeply called to. Flowing with life to thrive, bless and expand.
June 18/19
There is no more potent a vehicle for spiritual growth than relationship, whether platonic, familial or romantic. Because relationship is also the source of our primary wounding. As the very backdrop for and purpose of relationship evolves, we are called to recognise the ultimate potential in sexual intimacy and relating as a crucible for awakening. Bowing to those who trigger us as our mirror, embodying such awareness, that we are true, recognising the God/dess within by honouring the Divinity in all and bringing sex, heart and spirit together in holy communion. Making more love in the world through our devotion to Sacred Relationship.
July 16/17
We are a microcosm of the macrocosm. Our rhythms and cycles attune us to nature. Our embodiment of the elements a reflection of the primal forces that animate all life. Modern life conditions a forgetting, yet as daughters of the Goddess, we cannot help but remember. As we remember, we are empowered and sustained. And then there is the question: how do we orientate our lives and service to include an honouring of our oneness with the Earth? How do we protect and serve Her both in our bodies and beyond?
September 24/25
As we step into the final semester of Living Shakti Awake, we begin with a deep dive into the realm of creativity and conscious manifestation as woman. We are designed to come alive with the energy of desire and to create and birth through our cosmic womb-space. Yet perfectionism, limiting beliefs, as much as a side-lining of our sensuality can get in the way. How is it then to let go into our creative flow? To dream our highest visions into being without guilt or shame? To manifest ecstatically? And to recognise, that as we align and birth our creations with Source, we are not only expanding, but serving the whole.
October 22/23
The time has passed for us to look over our shoulder for someone else to blame or show us the way. The time has passed for us to wait for that next qualification "to be ready". We are done with self-doubt and making our selves small. The time is now. If not us, then who? AND for sure we want to be our best as leaders and facilitators: professional, potent, aligned and in integrity. This demands our humility, awareness and devotion to growing in presence, skill and practice as space-holders. So that we can excel, love what we do and increasingly drop into the flow-state, where magic happens.
November 26/7
The greatest mystery and revelation of the feminine path of awakening resides in the liminal space of letting go. In our dying to what we already know, as we shed our skins and surrender our identities and attachments, allowing ourselves to be reborn. Opening ourselves to receive. This takes trust and a willingness to enter the void or empty place: to not know and relinquish control. The fruits here include: deep healing and regeneration, the arisal of new qualities and gifts, cosmic downloads, creativity, knowing and fresh impulses. We give our selves up, in order to experience renewal. Returning to the beginning. Me and God/dess as one co-creating.
Whichever pathway you are called to - the Evolutionary Sister Circle, Living Shakti Awake Workshop Series or both
You’re an awakening woman, active in the world as a healer, teacher, facilitator, leader &/or therapist.
You’re embodied, smart, devoted, authentic, heart-centred and soulfully called to rise as one with the Divine Feminine in the creation of our New Earth.
You recognise the oneness of sexuality and spirituality and are familiar with tantric/yogic practices and concepts. Now you want to deepen and implement the fruits of this union.
You’re hungry for growth and truth and are ready to stand naked in our circle, own your shit and shine your light. You want to ascend with both feet firmly on the ground.
You have a daily meditation and movement practice, know how to self-regulate emotion, communicate authentically and bring awareness to the inevitable triggers of life.
You are ready to commit and show up for yourself and one another to the best of your ability, knowing that the more you put in, the more you receive.
You’ve either worked deeply with me already through individual mentoring, the Awakening Shakti or Rapture courses and/or have experienced the equivalent with another facilitator.
If you’re in doubt about your suitability, but are strongly called to join us, please reach out to speak with me.
The Living Shakti Awake programme 2022 promises you powerful growth, loving support and embodied expansion at a crucial moment in human history.
It's an invitation to step up into greater leadership, sovereignty and self-mastery as part of a community of conscious women.
To get activated, inspired and ignited. To serve with your soul gifts, whilst deepening continually.
If you are called to join us, take the time to feel into this offering, study its content and receive your clear YES! Trust you inner guidance.
If you have questions, reach out to me for answers.
And if you have not worked with me in some way before, please be in touch, so that we can have a brief conversation. For this level of deep work and commitment, it's important that we both have a chance to meet in advance.
If you are ready to enrol, you can do so for the entire year or per semester as follows.
£1222 in advance for the year
£444 per semester
£3333 in advance for the year
£1222 per semester
£4500 in advance for the year
£1616 per semester
If you still have questions or wish to pay by bank transfer instead of
PayPal, message me.