Yesterday I had the most beautiful day !!!!
In the morning, I held space for a gathering of some of the women, who've journeyed with me over the past 3 years on my Awakening Shakti Depth Mentorship.
In the afternoon, I met a gorgeous soul sister for tea and chats, before heading to #tantricecstatic to dance my heart out. Yummmm
At night, I curled up to read "Purple Hibiscus" by Ngozi Adichie. It's so good I couldn't put it down, so didn't turn my light off till gone midnight.
Meaning that today I'm full of energy, patience and high vibes as I come to care for my Dad, despite the lengthy commute across London and late night
As I've shared in other posts, my living enquiry right now is: "how can I bring more RAPTURE into my life?"
And what struck me from the morning Awakening Shakti circle is this: every woman on that call ended up feeling nourished, connected, supported and inspired.
Adjectives I or others used to describe our state of being included: bliss, peace, delicious, expanded, empowered, alive, radiant, free and true.
We are women across multiple generations and diverse life circumstances. United by our commitment to awakening as women.
And yet the "magic formula" for this experience for each of us was super simple.
We all made time for the call. We showed up.
And in an intentional space of unpretentious Shakti devotion, warm acceptance and presence, I guided our group through a simple embodiment practice and meditation, before inviting a deep sharing from each woman.
It's not rocket science.
Show up Create space Connect Embody Move Sense Deepen into Being Share from the heart Listen - inside & out
Whenever I do this, across all the modalities of my offering - Shakti Yoga, Dancing the Goddess, Awakening Shakti - and whether one-to-one or group, there is often the recognition or expression from participants along the lines of:
"I feel so amazing!! This has been so simple, yet powerful. I know parts of this already.
Every single time - when you are feeling the benefits of what I might call Shakti-vation - you recognise how much this fills up your cup. How it blesses your life in so many ways, from giving you more energy to positive vibes, courage, healing, fresh insight and soul expansion.
And yet very quickly then you forget and find all kinds of reasons why you can't make time for the very thing that sustains and enriches you in life:
as mother wife/partner lover employee/employer creatrix colleague community member
as YOU!
Everyone and everything is blessed, when you make time for that which nourishes your soul, expands your heart and enlivens your body. Always.
Believe me, as a self-employed single Mama and carer, I get how many other demands there are on your time.
I get all the conditioning to put others first and self-sacrifice.
Oh and to have everything in control and ship-shape: the immaculate home, top career, healthy meals, well-rounded kids - yada yada!
The perfect ingredients for Mama shame & guilt.
I get how the patriarchy has instilled such a strong programming to think your way out of difficulty or "do more to get more".
Meaning, that many women are hyper-actively operating on adrenal energy and a masculinised mind-set.
Short-circuiting the natural, healthy flow of emotion.
Sitting on their energy.
All of which depletes, contracts and hardens.
Limiting sensation, expression, potential, pleasure, creativity, insight, self-awareness, well-being and - yes - the RAPTURE you are born for.
RAPTURE demands your BEINGness.
And it's your BEING-ness - in and through your beautiful womanly body - that supports you not only in feeling at your best, but showing up in the world at your best.
It's crazy, that it can still feel radical and surprising to prioritise what most nourishes you and supports your blossoming.
For myself, I choose to blossom. And support other women in that (which makes me blossom more!).
To hell with the hoovering. I'd rather be dancing, meditating or making love.
You get the picture. And please insert your verb of choice.
Of course - everything in balance. But to my mind, the balance for many women right now is totally skew whiff.
If you'd like to choose you and cultivate more of all the qualities and sensations, that make your feminine heart, soul and body sing, then join me this Thursday, 11/11/21 for my 11-day TASTE OF RAPTURE journey.
Live online every week-day morning through to 25/11/21, 10-11am GMT & recorded for replay.
Just £111. Yummm.
Registration link here.
Love, Shakti x