If I could name the one thing that has radically changed my life, it is meditation.
Meditation as a daily practice has enabled me to:
- heal my wounds - relate more consciously - navigate emotional storms, conflict & life challenges - meet my inner masculine - expand my spiritual gifts - experience cosmic sex - deepen in self-love - remain physically & mentally fit & healthy - concentrate deeply - witness my shadows - loosen attachment to & identification with harmful patterns - download creative inspiration - solve problems without thinking - be more authentic
I could go on, but basically meditation makes me the woman I am today.
Which is not to say I've always had an easy relationship with it.
I used to think that meditation, like yoga, was boring. Because I imagined it meant I had to sit stock still and stop thinking. Which was really hard for me as a natural mover and shaker, with a passionate nature and expressive personality !
Over time, through my immersion in conscious dance, tantra, bodywork and Kundalini Yoga, as well as the exploration of many forms of meditation, I realised that meditation can be:
- a way of life, rather than something separate from life - whole-hearted & dynamic - ecstatic & embodied
and that society has privileged a masculine approach to meditation that didn't honour my feminine gifts and womanly body.
Now, in the first month of my Awakening Shakti Mentorship Programme, we are diving deep into the exploration of stillness and meditation as woman.
Recognising that we are different. That our flow, cyclicity, creativity, sensuality and embodiment are not to be denied or escaped, but included in our practice.
I love teaching this piece, not only for the revelations and deepening into being it brings, but also for the practical benefits it gifts us as busy women juggling busy lives.
In these times of challenge and uncertainty, there is an even greater need, to cultivate the capacity for stillness and awareness.
It is, imho, the only thing that can anchor us in assured love, trust and well-being, whatever is happening in the external. It is our ticket to ride the magic carpet of awakening
This Sunday, January 24th, 2021, I'm hosting a mini Meditation as Woman Retreat, 10am-1pm. And you are warmly invited. Come and join us for a deeply nourishing time of guided meditation practice, which will definitely not be all about sitting down po-faced.
- Let yourself expand your idea of what mediation is. - Let yourself rest back into the bliss of a deeply relaxed, expanded state. - Gift yourself this precious time of self-care.
Bring your questions and challenges, so that I can support you find a way to make meditation work for you. No judgement. All is welcome.
Be inspired, if you're not already, to get a daily practice going.
Join in and feel upheld by the power of group meditation - where your experience goes even deeper.
Your investment for this yummy experience is £33. And you can register via this link.
See you then!!
Lots of love, Shakti xxx